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Connection of the integration

The procedure for connecting the integration service with Wix and Royal Mail Click & Drop platforms

Make sure you fulfill all the requirements before proceeding.

  1. If you properly added the Royal Mail Click & Drop app to your Wix apps, the Connect with Wix app will be automatically updated.

    You can check if the Royal Mail Click & Drop app is added to the Installed Apps on Manage Apps.

    Apps > App Market

  2. Connect with Royal Mail by entering the API key.

    1. To find the Royal Mail Click & Drop API key, you need to log in to your account at

    2. Then, navigate to the Settings page and click on the Integration tile.

      Note: If you do not have the Click & Drop API integration listed, before you proceed with this step, you need to add it by clicking the Add a new integration button above the list.

      Then click the Click & Drop API tile.

    3. The Royal Mail Click & Drop API key is listed at the bottom when you click on the Click & Drop API.

  3. If you entered correct data and the connection is established, both connecting options indicate it with a green message.

Parent topic: Configuration

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