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To run the SellIntegro Wix to Royal Mail Click & Drop app, you need to fulfill all the listed requirements.

General requirements

  • Access to the Internet.

Royal Mail Click & Drop requirements

Wix requirements

  • The Royal Mail Click & Drop app added from the App Market tab on the left-hand side menu, with all the required permissions:

    • Wix Stores

      Read Orders

      Request permission to read the site’s Wix Stores order info.

    • Wix Stores

      Read Stores - all read permissions

      Request permission to read the site’s Wix Stores data, including products and orders. This permission scope contains all of the read Stores permissions.

    • Wix Stores

      Read Products

      Request permission to read the site’s Wix Stores product and inventory info.

    • Wix Stores

      Manage Orders

      Request permission to read, create and modify the site’s Wix Stores orders.

    Apps > App Market

Related information

Connection of the integration

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