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Processing of past orders

Options that allow you to set rules on how to process past orders.

How many days back do you want to process the documents?

You can set the option from up to 1 day to up to 14 days, or in the case of premium support, up to 150 days, with an option step of one day.

Note: This option is limited by the Process documents that existed before configuring integration? option.

Process documents that existed before configuring integration?

You configure the processing of older orders with this option. You can set the processing of orders with the drop down menu up to 7 days old, or with premium support up to 60 days, with an option step of one day.

You can see the date from which the orders are going to be processed at the bottom of the option.

Note: This option limits the How many days back do you want to process the documents? option.

Parent topic: Configuration

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